Day 25- Nada

I pretty much have little or nothing to say today. The high point of this past day was last night receiving the Eucharist at an 8:30 pm Mass in a 12th century church packed with people. Its simplistic beauty stood in great contrast to the Cathedral de Salamanca just a few minutes walk away. The priest gave an impassioned and vibrant sermon though I had no idea what he was saying. The church was filled with young kids which did my heart good to see the youthful presence. It gave me hope.

This morning I walked out of my hotel into a foggy, damp, chilly, dreary day. Bland is the best way to describe the route- straight and level through fields, a couple of small hamlets and time on the road. I finished in under 3 hours. I passed one church along the way and there’s an old Romanesque church in town. I put my hands on each (they were of course closed) and prayed I might join the countless who have prayed at these churches over the centuries. It just feels good to do that.

La Iglesia de San Marcos- where I attended Mass. it was built in the 12th Century and modified in the 15th and 16th Centuries to add Gothic and Renaissance features.

This beautiful hotel provided a pampered recovery from the Albergue

A lotta that today

A church I stopped at to pray- outside


Day 26- The VDLP Camino Challenge


Day 24-Albergue