Day 31 Long Time Gone
Carla and I woke to a major climb, then 20 miles of pretty tough terrain. This on day 30 of our journey. Sorry folks but I’ve got nothing. No spiritual experiences to relate. No faithful things to report. No transcendental experiences to chronicle. It was just a long day on the Camino with lots of difficult terrain to traverse. This is day 31 of the blog. To those of you who have read all the blogs- thanks for following us. It’s a lot to follow and any interest is most appreciated. We are about a week away from finishing so the reality of completing this is beginning to crystallize. Tomorrow I hope to have something more inspirational to report.
MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR: Hello everyone, Peter’s son Jack here. As the head of his technical team I regret to inform everyone of a lack of viable internet yesterday. There will be an update with pictures from yesterday to follow, but in the meantime enjoy the video below which features a few shots from the day’s walk.