Peter and Carla's Camino

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Day 43- And it Stoned Me… My Soul

Thanks Van Morrison. Rain today, nothing new. The devil surfaced this morning and kept whispering in my ear “call a cab, call a taxi, call an Uber, you are almost there. So what if you shave a few miles off the end of the journey, nobody will notice. You don’t have to tell anyone. Think of getting into that nice warm dry taxi that will take you to a nice warm bar. What’s the big deal? “. I heard him loud and clear. But, not today devil. If I took the short cut he was urging, you know who would know? Me. And that’s all that matters. Today had me on both road and trail. With God’s encouragement I enjoyed the trail of rocks, mud and water in the rain on trails I will be leaving in just 2 days. Funny thing though, my Mom’s words kept echoing in the back of my mind. She had an expression “he doesn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain”. Well where does that put me?

Last night’s lodging

The cross appears to have been there long before the neighboring houses. It was a fine spot to stop and pray- so simple, so basic yet it stands strong.

I asked the Lord to include me in the countless faithful who have entered this church over the centuries to give thanks and pray.

Anther old Roman bridge. Boy did those guys get around in their day.

It just won’t clear up

Today’s finish line